In other news, our new demo release of "Asham" garnered some great reviews on our last turntable.fm session, as well as from fellow blogosphere-favorite, D4. Head on over to our official SoundCloud to download "Asham", as well as the rest of our selected tracks, for absolutely free.
For those wondering about the origin of the track's name... look no further : This hockey fight between Washington's Jay Beagle and Penguins right-winger Arron Asham garnered a lot of attention solely due to Asham's victory-taunts. Many called it classless, but we found it hilarious. Say you were in Asham's position. Would you have done the same thing?
For those wondering about the origin of the track's name... look no further : This hockey fight between Washington's Jay Beagle and Penguins right-winger Arron Asham garnered a lot of attention solely due to Asham's victory-taunts. Many called it classless, but we found it hilarious. Say you were in Asham's position. Would you have done the same thing?
So that's why it as named Asham. I say it's a worthy name after seeing that video.